LOWER SHOSHONE – Flows are around 1250 cfs and water clarity is better above Sage Creek. Nymphing the riffles and runs and tossing streamers on the banks is your best bet.

BIG HORN / WIND – Flows are around 2200 cfs and the clarity is great except for a little floating moss. Look for trout up on blue winged olives or nymph the seams with sow bugs, blue winged olive nymphs, perdigons, crawdads and worms or toss streamers.

NORTH FORK – The river is now closed below Newton Creek until July 1st! Flows have dropped and the river is fishable above the closure. March Browns and Skwalas are popping. Nymphing stoneflies like rubber legs, 20 Inchers, Two Bit Stones, Mega Princes or halfbacks will produce, as well as soft hackles, Bloody Marys, Copper Johns, Possie Buggers, Prince Nymphs, and Pheasant Tails. Swinging streamers is also a good option. Grizzlies are out and in the area!

SOUTH FORK – Skwalas are migrating to the edges and should be hatching soon. Fish chubbies in sizes 10-12 with the same size stonefly droppers or nymph/toss streamers through the deeper runs.

CLARK’S FORK – Nymphing stoneflies, beadhead nymphs or stripping streamers through the deeper runs is the best option.

GREYBULL / WOOD – Nymphing stoneflies, beadhead nymphs or stripping streamers should produce.

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK – Closed to fishing until Memorial Day weekend 2024.

NEWTON LAKES – Chironomids, scuds and leeches. Few fish eating callibaetis on the surface.

LUCE/HOGAN RESERVOIRS -Chironomids, scuds and leeches.

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