LOWER SHOSHONE – Flows are around 265 cfs and the river looks good. Look for midge and baetis sippers or nymph/toss streamers on the banks.

BIG HORN / WIND – Flows are around 1525 cfs and the grass/moss is dying off. Baetis are out and streamer fishing has been good. Crawdads, sow bugs and worms will still work as well.

NORTH FORK – Flows are higher than normal but the water could go off color as the recent low elevation snow melts with the warmer temps. Seems to be a few browns making a run out of the reservoir to spawn but the majority of fish are back in Buffalo Bill until next spring. Toss streamers if you give it a try.

SOUTH FORK – Water looks good up in the Valley section and flows are up for this time of year, especially down by the reservoir. Baetis and midges are out. Tossing or swinging streamers is your best bet for targeting the larger trout.

CLARK’S FORK – Flows are higher than normal but the water could go off color as the recent low elevation snow melts with the warmer temps. Baetis and midges are out. Tossing or swinging streamers is your best bet for targeting the larger trout.

GREYBULL / WOOD – Baetis and midges are out and size 16-18 bead head nymphs will also work.

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK – Closed to fishing until Memorial Day weekend 2024!

NEWTON LAKES – Chironomids, scuds, and leeches as well as streamers.

LUCE/HOGAN RESERVOIRS – Chironomids, scuds, and leeches as well as streamers.

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